

Tuesday 30 March 2010

Final Sound

Our main aim for our soundtrack was to produce and create an original to fit our film. This would of involved the use of programme such as;- fruity loops, cubase or logic. Using either of these programmes would of enabled us to produce class work as well as experiment and create ruff cuts to gain feed back. This was our initial plan of which i decided to do research into other opening sequence music , relating to our theme and analysing them for us to gain knowledge on what we may consider or include.

Unfortunately, none of us had used the software before and therefore had no knowledge of them, as well as them being fairly expensive. instead Anisha and Riham had a friend that worked in the recording studio regularly and had a great deal of knowledge of the software. He let us use his software to just experiment with the beats and synthesisers. however we didn't have a lot of time, and getting used to the software enough for us to become comfortable would of taken an even longer time. we found we wouldn't have enough time to produce our own soundtrack.As we didn't have the time to produce after doing research, i knew what may suit our film. each of us looked into website on
Google that provided free music that you did not have to ask permission to use. We finally decided on using the variation in music available was suitable. we then came across loads of instrumental that were very appropriate to our type of genre. After listening to a few Anisha came across one instrumental that she felt was perfect. After listening to it we all agreed that it definitely fit. We felt as though this reinforced our theme and complimented our film, after importing and cutting in places it fit perfectly and we decided to keep it.

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