

Sunday, 28 February 2010

Production Brief

Project Name; Twisted Obsession

Length; - 2-3 mins

Group Members;- There is a group of 3 of us. Riham, Anisha and Georgina. Riham and anisha are acting as the characters in the film, whilst I am filming. We all collectively are planning and editing the finished film.

Content Overview: - Toni and Leanne have been friends for years . Leanne after months being spent alone within her unstable childhood, finally finds some stability. In the form of a friend, Toni. Months of getting closer, lead to Leanne conjuring up feelings for Toni. She becomes obsessed a liar, and a thief, stealing possessions of Toni’s to keep in her own lair. She later confesses her feelings to Toni, to discover Toni doesn’t feel the same, and is rather sickened by her. This leads Leanne into a murderous frenzy.

Target Audience: - Our target audience is Teenagers. We believe that considering their lifestyle, and the position the are in as adolescents will allow this film to appeal to them, as they may feel a sense of relevance to their lives. They would be mainly within the middle-working class as a majority of the population are, this social class , permits them to relate to the characters as they two are average, not posh or high classed. Their lifestyle would be quite fast paced and continually exciting, as many teenagers search for exciting things to do, attend and see. As this teenagers are fairly media aware, they would be more likely to notice a film advertisement, and feel more inclined to watch it. This also would affect how we are marketing the film.

Research;- we have considered certain products that have become strong influence to our film’s content. Such as “Notes 0f a Scandal” and teenage dramas such as “ Skins” and “Hollyoaks”. These collectively have enabled us to have a wide range of information to consider, which would benefit us considering the target market they are aimed at. We have also analysed and watched many title sequences. We have done this to gage, the jist of elements within them. What had made them successful, and importantly what had drawn in the audience. I myself analysed the opening of the film “Se7en”. For example an eerie atmosphere. I found the film to uphold many traditional conventions of a Crime-thriller but greatly and uniquely. The directors managed to maintain a strong level of suspense throughout the entire opening. We want to include certain conventions of a thriller, but also subvert them and twist certain stereotypes in society, to intrigue our audience.

Representations, and Stereotypes: -

The Sterotype that we will be displaying is, one of an adolescent/teenager. We will be representing this adolescent in a completely different manner than that of which is exposed commonly in the media of “hoodies”. We will be exaggerating and exposing the deep inner emotional side of a confused adolescent, that leads to her eventual destruction. With this representation we will be twisting the traditional assumptions of teenagers, as confused and wild, but instead portray our character as, calculated and obsessed. The representations of friendships will also be tested. Tradition shows friendships to be perect, however we want to show how they can develop into something ugly. We will show the pretty seemingly innocent side of a friendship, but them twist it slyly and uncover situations that underly it. This will subvert the traditional representations of a friendship and hopefully engage our audience.

How will we check the films success: -

We will be undergoing a private screening of our film to our class and some external members, and posting our film online to get YouTube comments.. Hopefully we will get positive and negative criticism, to help us improve and then finalise the film. Once we receive feedback we will then try to amend our project to suit certain aspects allocated. Which will then hopefully ensure our film meets our audiences needs and accomplishes the effects wanted.


Conventions of a thriller that we want to consider, include:- The maintenance of suspense. The chase and gamesmanship , the story being told from a point of view to engage the audience. The concept of a villain and helpless fair lady. The distortion of view in the characters eyes. Eerie , disturbing atmosphere and the mystery created by lack of knowledge at first.

Constraints:- time is a massive constraint, as we each are undergoing ALevels we have limited time to produce lots of work. We also are at different base sites which isn’t easy, meaning that a lot of planning has to be done in rough and we then each elaborate in our own way on the main concepts.

Some days the weather is not perfect, which means we have to either adapt of postpone, which again puts back our production process. Altogether we have had a lot of constraints but we aim to finalise the production and make it a success!

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