Whilst Brainstorming names for our Film title, we came up with various different title ideas; we wanted to incorporate at key themes into our title, to give the audience some reflection and indication of what the film may hold and also it’s narrative.. We each tried to come up with at least one title idea, and these were:
- Twisted Love Story
- Love’s Demise
- Possessed
- A Twisted Obsession
- Unwanted Possession
We all decided on the title ‘A Twisted Obsession’, as we felt it conveyed the theme of our film , and also symbolizes our entire plot with just a few words. We also though it hid some mystery within it that may appeal to our target audience.
Our plot is based on a friendship of two young girls, Toni and Leanne. Years past in their friendship, all the while Leanne slowly developing an obsession over her fellow best friend. The obsession begins when Leanne starts feeling differently towards Toni, she starts to feel feelings of jealousy and as though she possesses Toni. Her obsession then leads to her stealing Toni’s possessions in the effort to have anything she could of hers, it then exceeds when she starts taking continuous pictures of her to form her own scrapbook, full of pictures, symbols and anything that could be related to Toni.
The way in which her feelings progress seem normal, Leanne begins to spend nearly every minute with her inside of school and outside, they were like two peas in a pod, and to Toni this felt as a friendship should. But things became different to Leanne, as she started feeling more sentimental towards Toni; eventually she was all she could think about. But as Leanne’s behavior slowly changes, Toni begins to become suspicious of her. Leanne begins to get really bad mood swings when situations arise concerning Toni, - her going out with other friends, - even talking to other people.
Toni eventually confronts Leanne about her changing moods, to her surprise Leanne just breaks down and feels this is the ample moment to exposes all her hidden feelings, hoping Toni would understand and maybe, love her back. To Leanne’s dismay her love for Toni is rejected harshly. Toni becomes livid herself and harshly expresses how she only thinks of them as friends, and how she doesn’t like girls in that way. Toni runs off, hysterically feeling emotionally confused and just shocked at the recent revelation.
Toni naively thinks that Leanne will just stop loving her, that is all she hopes. However she is wrong! Leanne’s long-term obsession with Toni just doesn’t disappear, it gets worse. Her feelings towards Toni become aggressive, she goes on a rampage for Toni after school, finding her and leading her into a secret room. Her previous feelings of love quickly revert into hatred. She turns violent and physical, which leads her into abusing and raping Toni. As a result of this Toni commits suicide.
The climax of the film shows the case of Leanne is still under way. As a result of the rape and abuse, the police are scouting continuously for her in the hope of brining justice to Toni’s name. Leanne in the final realization of the ultimate consequence of her action, which was Toni’s death, comes to the terms of her mentally unstable state. She therefore commits suicide, feeling dead without Toni and as though that is all she deserves. To die.
Our task is just to film the opening sequence of the film. The opening itself is very important. We must introduce the genre, whilst revealing a very small amount of the content whilst engaging our audience with the use of effects and music.
For our opening sequence we had to plan out the shots we were going to use. We have edited very short shots and collaborated many close –ups in a montage. These shots are used to establish the storyline as well as introduce the characters, and highlight the relationship between them as well as engage the audience. We only have 2 minuets and a bit of leeway to do this. Importantly we want to keep enigma code in effect, as we don’t want to give too much away.
Our shots will consist of:
- Our opening sequence beginning with our production logo appearing on the screen with effects whilst the soundtrack begins slowly in the background.
- A close up shot of Leanne’s face, which then zooms in further, to show the passion she has whilst hugging Toni, in that shot she is also smelling her hair and playing with it.
- Title appears with effects of my Anisha and Riham’s names.
- Fades out & into another shot.
- A close up shot of Toni’s face, which zooms in further, to show that Toni is content with Leanne.
- Fades out &goes into titles with effects of My name.
- Extra close-ups, close ups, medium shot of Toni laughing and being her bubbly self to create the effect that she is being watched by Leanne.
- Fades out &goes into titles with effects of the costume designer’s name.
- Fades out into another shot.
- A mid shot merged in with a match on action shot of Toni walking home whilst opening a gate.
- A long shot of Leanne walking sneakily through the gate after Toni.
- Fades out into an over the shoulder shot of Leanne following Toni, which obviously means she’s following her.
- Fades out & into titles with effects of Executive producer’s name.
- Close up shots of Polaroid’s on the mirror, whilst Leanne is stroking them.
- As the beat drops in the soundtrack, this represents Leanne going mad and ripping the pictures up as she feels angry about her feelings towards Toni and she bottles it up.
- A mid shot of Leanne leaning over the sink, in emotion as she doesn’t know what to do, she slowly then lifts her head in deep pain towards the mirror.
- Fades into titles with effects of the main title.
- Whilst the previous shot happens, the voice over plays which over powers the soundtrack in the faint background.
- Last shot of a zoom in of a distressed Leanne, staring deeply at herself in the mirror.
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